Game That Are Easy To Use In Cheat Engine

  1. Understand that Cheat Engine won't work with many games. Any game which has some form of cheat protection or online multiplayer functionality won't work with Cheat Engine, and attempting to use Cheat Engine will typically result in your account or profile being banned from online play.
  2. Easy™ Anti-Cheat is the industry-leading anti–cheat service, countering hacking and cheating in multiplayer PC games through the use of hybrid anti–cheat mechanisms. Pioneering Security Our approach is constantly evolving, which results in fewer hacking attempts, no false positives, and a healthier, more enjoyable community.
  3. I've tried several different methods and dont struggle to do similar tasks with other games. Something about this game is very complicated compared to the average game for people with only basic understanding of Cheat Engine to search for increased/decreased values, or exact numbers and then hit next scan until you narrow down the results enough.
  1. Games Cheat Engine Works On
  2. Game That Are Easy To Use In Cheat Engineering
  3. Games That Use Cheat Engine
  4. How To Use Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine is an open-source tool whose sole purpose is to help you use tricks and cheats on your favorite video games, therefore allowing you to manipulate and change all sorts of parameters on them. In order to use it correctly you have to run it before launching the video game.

Introduction to Lua using Cheat Engine: Beginner to Basic Script Writer! May 25, 2017

So you want to get started learning Lua and creating scripts, huh? Well you’ve come to the right place, so LET’S DO IT! =)

To note, this article will soon take the form of a video, so if that’s your preferred medium, then just know that’s coming soon and I’ll populate this article with it once it’s done.

I’ll spare you the details about what Lua is and how to generically learn the language in 0.013 seconds, and instead we’ll learn by doing. In Cheat Engine (aka CE). Which is an incredibly powerful tool–not only for purposes of hacking games and reversing software, but also for learning everything from Assembly, to reverse engineering concepts, to Lua, and much more.

If you don’t have Cheat Engine, go install it now (I won’t be blamed if you install bundled offers, so READ THE INSTALLATION PROMPTS CAREFULLY) so you can follow along. You can run all of the code examples I provide directly in Cheat Engine, but don’t just copy them over because CE won’t recognize some of the copied characters! If you do copy/paste, look for the characters you have to fill in.

Hello, World

You knew it was coming, but we have to do it! Let’s make CE’s Lua Engine output “Hello, World”. First, open Cheat Engine. Then, click on Table, then Show Cheat Table Lua Script. You should now see this window:

Games Cheat Engine Works On

Now, enter the following:

print(“Hello, World”)

Then click the Execute script button. You should now see the Lua Engine window open with “Hello, World” in the output section, like so:

Success! You just ran one of Lua’s native functions, print(). If you want exact text to be printed, use quotes (double ” or single ‘ quotes work). You can also print numbers and all kinds of other stuff like the results of calculations (e.g. print(1 + 2)) and so on. Try playing around with print() to see what else you can do! Can you figure out what this does? (Don’t worry if not; I’ll fully explain it in a little bit.)

print(string.upper(string.format(“%x”, 1 + 0xA)))

As an aside, for those of you who want to dive in a bit deeper right off the bat, click here to check out other native Lua functions.

For those of you who are beginners, functions are just blocks of code that do something for you. Sometimes, a function will just perform a task where you don’t expect anything as a result. Other times, a function needs some data with which to perform its task(s). The print() function takes arguments you provide, then does its magic. If you just ran print(), it wouldn’t do anything because print() is like, “I mean…you didn’t tell me WHAT to print, so I can’t do anything, dawgs.”

More on that in a bit, but let’s shift gears and talk about variables.


Put simply, variables are just things you store values in (numbers, characters, words, functions, other variables, etc., etc.). First, you think of a name for your variable, then you typically assign it a value. There are rules for how you can name your variables, so you might want to check them out to prevent making a naming error that might confuse you later.

Using our “Hello, World” example from above, let’s modify it slightly to print the same result to the screen, except from a variable instead of directly:

theNameOfYourVariable = “Hello, World”

Notice that I didn’t put quotes around the variable name I passed through print(). If I did, then you would have seen that exact variable name printed to the screen as a string of text. Try it for yourself and see:

theNameOfYourVariable = “Hello, World”

Now, if you were to really want this as part of a program or script, you’d probably want to make your variable name more reflective of what it’s storing. Take these examples for instance. Can you figure out what each of them do?

Example 1: String

helloWorld = “Hello, World”

Example 2: Math

addTwoNumbers = 2 + 2

Example 3: More Math and More Variable Names

numberOne = 1000
numberTwo = 1674
numberThree = 2
threeNumberMath = (numberOne + numberTwo) / numberThree

(Can you figure out how to remove that trailing .0?)

Example 4: Tables

table_iLoveCheatEngine = {“I”, “love”, “Cheat”, “Engine”, “!”}
print(table_iLoveCheatEngine[1] .. ” ” .. table_iLoveCheatEngine[2] .. ” ” ..
table_iLoveCheatEngine[3] .. ” ” .. table_iLoveCheatEngine[4] ..

(Don’t worry if you don’t know what tables are; however, if you want to look into them, here you go!)

Example 5: Functions

func_iLoveCheatEngine =
function (a, b, c, d, e)
concatStuffs = a .. ” ” .. b .. ” ” .. c .. ” ” .. d .. e
return concatStuffs
print(func_iLoveCheatEngine(“I”, “love”, “Cheat”, “Engine”, “!”))

(We’re diving into functions next, so come back to this example after that and see if you can figure out what’s going on.)

Example 6: Nil

local emptyVariable

(Not assigning a value to a variable means that its value will be “nil”, basically meaning there’s nothing in it. Prefixing a variable name with “local” has to do with something called “scope.” Don’t worry about it for the time being, but just be aware that you’ll likely see it used. For those who DO want to worry about it now, here you go.)

The point of those examples is to show that you can store just about anything you want in variables. You might decide to make significantly shorter variable names, or find more elegant ways to write a function, etc., etc., etc. In Lua, there are many ways to achieve the same thing, so just have fun!


Up to this point, we’ve used a function (print()) and we’ve written our own function (example 5 above). For this section, we’re only going to focus on using functions, so if you want to delve deeper into creating your own functions, take a look at this tutorial.

Again, functions are just blocks of code that do something. Just like Lua has a bunch of its own functions (like print()), so does Cheat Engine! You can find most of them here on the CE wiki; however, it isn’t updated as frequently as CE’s development pace, so you can check out celua.txt on the official CE Github repository for ALL the goodies (like executeCode()).

Game That Are Easy To Use In Cheat Engine

Remember a little bit ago when I asked if you could figure out what this does?

print(string.upper(string.format(“%x”, 1 + 0xA)))

There’s a lot going on there, so let me break it down another way.

numOne = 1
numTwo = 0xA
toHex = string.format(“%x”, numOne + numTwo)
toUpperCase = string.upper(toHex)

There, I’ve assigned 4 variables:

numOne contains the number 1.

numTwo contains the hexadecimal number A (the 0x prefix lets Lua know that you intend for that number to be treated as a hexadecimal number).

toHex makes use of another Lua function called string.format() through which we’re passing two arguments: “%x”, which tells Lua to treat your other arguments as hexadecimal values (you can read about other formats here), and the variables numOne + numTwo.

toUpperCase is using yet another Lua function called string.upper(), which converts lower-case characters to upper-case. For our use, we’re passing it the variable toHex, which is taking the result of our string.format() statement and upper-casing the result if it’s A-F. This is just a matter of personal preference; I hate seeing hexadecimal values represented in lower-case. 😉

Finally, we take all of that and print the result to the screen. Now, remember when I said there are multiple ways to do things in Lua? Those are two different representations of making the same thing happen. But there’s a shorthand way to get the same results still by making one little change to toHex and removing the toUpperCase variable and its assignment altogether! See if you can spot the difference:

print(string.format(“%X”, 1 + 0xA))


Game That Are Easy To Use In Cheat Engineering

numOne = 1
numTwo = 0xA
toHex = string.format(“%X”, numOne + numTwo)

There’s no right way here, but there are more readable and sometimes performant ways. It’s just whatever you choose to do. Sometimes, less code means less time spent writing that code, but more time trying to go back two months later and figure out what exactly that code does. Other times, a little more time spent writing or refactoring your code can spare you a headache later. That, or just add a comment about what your code is doing. Here’s how you make comments in Lua, which are essentially lines that are ignored by Lua, but that you can read (copying/pasting single-line comments from here into Cheat Engine won’t work, so I’ll only be using the multi-line format for code examples from here, forward):

‐‐This is a one-line comment. Write whatever you want on this line!
‐‐You can do this for as many lines as you like; however, there’s the next option.

This is a multi-line comment, so we can do this all day and
it’s just one comment. This keeps us from having to keep adding
the ‐‐ to the beginning of every line we want to specify as a
comment. w00t!

We’ve learned a lot here so far!

A. How to print a string. For those of you who are new to this concept, the reason it’s called a string is because it’s a string, or a strand, of individual characters grouped together. Imagine you’re making a necklace for your mother that’s going to have her name on it. The necklace is like a string that you’ll slide individual letters onto. So a string is just a collection of characters. There’s more to it all, but that’s the basic gist.

B. How to create variables and assign values to them.

C. How to do math with Lua, how to specify a value’s format, and how to print that result.

D. How to write comments.

E. How to use functions: print(), string.upper(), and string.format().

F. How to write in camelCase!

This is great, because it means we can now start using Lua functions that are native to Cheat Engine–functions like readByte(), writeInteger(), playSound(), pause(), unpause(), and tons more. So with that said, let’s dive into Cheat Engine and roll through an example of how you could use what you now know about Lua to create a script!

Creating a Lua Script in CE

Everyone should be able to follow along from here regardless of their exposure to CE, but if you have no idea how to use Cheat Engine in even the most basic of ways (like how to scan for values), then you might want check out my Cheat Engine Tutorial Series on YouTube!

First, let’s consider a scenario in game where we have a player that has health. The player’s maximum health value is 100. Let’s say that player isn’t at full health, so their current health is at 43. It’s not uncommon that these two values are stored in two memory addresses close in distance.

So, one memory address would have the player’s maximum health value, and another address would have their current health value. Then, you have instructions that look at the values in both addresses so that it knows what to do in various situations. For instance, say you pick up a health vial that gives you 20 points of health. Well, if you’re at 99 of 100, then the game will know not to take your health up to 119. It knows this by saying something like, “Well, I see the player has 99 health in that memory address, and I see the max health that player should be capable of having is 100 in that other memory address, so I’ll only give the player 1 point of health from that vial.”

With that in mind, a very common cheat to create is to find those two memory addresses, then the instruction that updates the player’s health when they lose health, and finally make it to where instead of taking away health, you make the player’s current health equal maximum health. We’re not going to worry about finding that instruction for the time being, though. That’ll be in a future tutorial.

What we want to do now is create a Lua script that will make the player’s current health equal their max health value. Let’s loosely visualize this by creating those variables, assigning values, and simulating the cheat (this is all part of something called “pseudocode,” which is noting small bits of what you want your code to do, then writing actual code to realize those bits).

‐‐[[Get current health and maximum health values]]
maxHealth = 100
currentHealth = 43

‐‐[[Print the value of current health so we can see it before it’s changed]]

‐‐[[Make current health equal maximum health]]
currentHealth = maxHealth

‐‐[[Print current health with its new value so we can verify]]

If you run that in CE, your results should look as follows (I used single-comment lines initially, as you’ll note):

Let’s now apply this to a game! I’ll use Terraria as an example. If you’re following along, go ahead and open Terraria’s process with CE.

First, let’s find current player health. I’m starting with current health being full, then scanning for exact value changes after taking damage. Here’s the result:

Then, view that memory region to see if something resembling other values like max health are anywhere nearby (using the data/structure dissector is another option, but I’ll cover that in another tutorial). To do that, right-click on the value you found, then click Browse this memory region. Once that window pops up, right-click on any of the bytes in the bottom pane of the memory viewer (the top pane is the disassembler), hover over Display Type, then click 4 Byte decimal. Now scroll up a tiny bit to see values above and below the current health value.

Because I’m familiar with the game, I know certain numbers I’m looking for. As you can see, the max health value I’m interested in is in very close proximity to my current health value.

Now let’s make note of the memory addresses those values are in. You can right-click on any value there in the memory viewer and select Add this address to the list. It’s also sometimes worth bearing in mind the distance (aka the offset) between the current health and max health addresses. In the right scenario, it’s a great way to reference one memory address from another that you find.

We now have what we need to create our script! We’ll be using a couple of CE’s Lua functions as well. Let’s start by looking at the value type of our values.

As you can see, they’re 4 bytes, so we can use CE’s functions that are related to integers. (Technically speaking, a float is a 4-byte value as well, but that’s part of a lesson for another day.) Click here to see some of CE’s memory-related functions. We’re going to use readInteger() and writeInteger(). I’m going to use comments in the script below to explain what’s going on throughout it.

Store the memory address for max health
maxHealthAddress = 0x20B496E8

Store the memory address for current health, which is 0x4 bytes
away from the max health address. That means we can specify
current health as being maxHealthAddress – 0x4 (resulting in
0x004587C0 being the value in currentHealthAddress)
Note: 0x4 is the same as saying 0x00000004 in this case
currentHealthAddress = maxHealthAddress + 0x4

Store the value found inside the max health memory address
maxHealthValue = readInteger(maxHealthAddress)

Store the value found inside the current health memory address
currentHealthValue = readInteger(currentHealthAddress)

Print both values
print(“Max health is: ” .. maxHealthValue)
print(“Current health is: ” .. currentHealthValue)

Write the value from the max health memory address
to the current health memory address
writeInteger(currentHealthAddress, maxHealthValue)

Refresh the value of health stored in the currentHealthValue variable
currentHealthValue = readInteger(currentHealthAddress)

Print the new value residing in the current health memory address
print(“Current health is now ” .. currentHealthValue)

After running that script, voila! The player’s current health is now the same value as max health, and the Lua Engine output reflects our change (click/tap the image for full size).

Now, unfortunately, this isn’t really a reusable script due to the fact that the memory addresses will change after the game is restarted (and if you followed along, your memory addresses were most likely different from mine). That’s something I’ll focus on in another tutorial, but for the time being, this script touches on most of the points I wanted to touch on.

You now know just enough to be somewhat dangerous. Go looking through other CE Lua scripts out there, and don’t freak out if you don’t know something you see! It takes time.

Also of note, you may run across people saying that, comparatively, a Lua script is slower than an Assembly script; however, don’t worry about that. Technically, it’s true, but most of you will never, ever, ever get to a point where you need to worry about eeking out performance on that level. So play around, have fun, and get your learn on! =)

If you are an ardent PC game cheater, you should’ve by now realized that Cheat Engine is synonymous with over 90 percent of all offline game cheats. But do you know what it really is? Do you know how to install Cheat Engine? Do you know how to use Cheat Engine?

Here is a quick guide to answer all your questions once and for all.

What is it?

Cheat Engine is a free open source tool dedicated to modifying single player games running on the Windows or the Mac platform. The modifications can either make the game easier by giving you added equipment, perks, money, and skill or make it harder by lowering your skill or simply raising game expectations.

The Cheat Engine does this by inspecting memory location modifications done by the game during operation. These changes are then matched to in-game values, for instance, your health bar, your ammo or skill rating. Once you have a successful match, you will know which variables to change in order to affect these readings.

Apart from this, Cheat Engine also packs:

  • A game debugger
  • A disassembler and assembler
  • A speedhack tool
  • A trainer maker
  • Direct 3D manipulation tools

How to Get Started

Head over to the official downloads page and grab the latest copy of the Windows or the Mac installer. Install the given file and launch your Cheat Engine. You will get a popup prompt requesting you to go through the Cheat Engine tutorial. It is wise to go through this tutorial if you don’t want any frustrations in future.

The tutorial teaches you how to mine for actual value changes. Even though this is the engine’s real power, most gamers like you and I just download ready-made Cheat Engine files (.ct) and load them into the cheating engine.

If this isn’t your intent, go through the entire tutorial and learn how to find your own way around different games. Don’t forget to compile your found cheats into a cheat table and share them with the community.

No Set Up (Download and Run) Cheat Engine

Sometimes, it pays to use the no set up version of cheat engine. Just download the set up here, extract the rar file to a folder of your choice and run cheat engine from there. You can even extract it to a flash drive and have your own portable cheat engine.

This makes it easier to clean up cheating records when you want to play an online game. Remember to run the cheat engine as admin for elevated privileges.

How to Load a Cheat Table

Opening a cheat table is easy.

  1. First, you’ll have to download the game specific cheat table and save it somewhere on your PC.
  2. Open Cheat Engine and click on the Open Folder icon. This will open a file browser
  3. Navigate to where you stored your cheat table (.ct) Select the file you want and click open
  4. Alternatively, you can just double-click the .ct files to open them automatically in the app. If your file associations are right, this should work.
  5. If they are not, right-click the cheat table and select open with> cheat engine and remember to tick the always button

Using Cheat Engine When Playing a Game

  • Start the game you want to play
  • Press ALT+TAB to activate windows switch and choose the Cheat Engine window
  • Click the First Icon and then ‘select a process to open.’ Look for gamename.exe (e.g witcher3.exe for Witcher 3 Cheats), select it and click open
  • Click on the next icon to activate the cheat table explorer or press CTRL+O
  • Load the cheat table you downloaded and head back to The game to implement the cheats you just activated
  • Each cheat table has its own hotkeys. Remember to go through the description so that you know what to press or what to do to evoke a change.

Is Cheat Engine Safe?

Many people have issues with Cheat Engine since they are not sure if it is safe. This has led to the big question: Is Cheat Engine safe. Well. The quick answer is yes. I have been using Cheat Engine on the right games for a year or so now and I have never seen it run away on nefarious missions.

The Cheat Engine installer is safe. However, it does have some toolbars and adware bundled in. You can always uncheck the checkbox for each additional to ensure that you install Cheat Engine and nothing more.

Games That Use Cheat Engine

But why do some antivirus software flag Cheat Engine as a Trojan or a malicious software? Well. This has to do with how Cheat Engine works.

It is an external tool that modifies the operations of an application, counters, pointers and other memory locations. This is basically what Trojans do. They modify application counters and pointers.

How To Use Cheat Engine

However, since Cheat Engine only modifies what you tell it to modify and never goes making changes on its own, it is 100 percent safe. Think of it as a gun that will never fire a bullet unless you aim and pull the trigger.

The only time Cheat Engine will harm you is when you run it on a PC that has a game with a serious anti-cheat system in place. If you want to use Cheat Engine, ensure that:

  • You don’t have a game that punishes cheats installed in your system
  • If the game is installed, use Windows firewall to block it from accessing the internet ever
  • Always clean uninstall Cheat Engine when you have high-risk games in your system

These are the basics you need to get started with your cheats. Remember that the engine was designed for use on offline games where cheating isn’t illegal. Using Cheat Engine to modify online games or games with an online alternative might result in a terminated account. Ensure that you use the engine responsibly.

Check this too: