Starcraft In Game Cheat Codes

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  1. Starcraft Ii Cheat Codes
  2. Starcraft In Game Cheat Codes Gta Vice City
  3. Starcraft 1 Cheat Code

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Starcraft Ii Cheat Codes

Using cheat codes in StarCraft 2 comes with a price as all your achievements in a particular campaign will get disabled and you will have to start a new one. Having said that, the cheats in this.

  1. StarCraft 2 Campaign Missions and Achievements Guide SC2ALLin1 Offline StarCraft 2 Beta Launcher.
  2. Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2020: Cheatbook-Database 2020 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from.
  3. Starcraft Cheats and Cheat Codes, PC. During game play press 'Enter' to bring up the console to enter the codes.
  4. Enter this code to enable level skipping cheat.First push enter,then Type Ophelia and Push enter Agian. (on the screen It should say code enabled).The Type where ever you want to go.
  5. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty for Macintosh.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page,.
  6. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for StarCraft: Brood War for PC.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction.


Cheat your way to Starcraft 2

Starcraft in game cheat codes pokemon fire red

Text of Starcraft II Cheat Codes

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    StarCraft 2: Wings Of Liberty

    Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ Multiplayer Guide






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    10 Games That WouldInstantly Be Improved

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    More Special Features...Cheat Codes

    While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, type one of the followingcodes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes,except for the 'overengineeredcodpiece' code, will prevent achievements from being earneduntil a new game is started or a saved game is loaded.

    Result Cheat CodeGod mode terribleterribledamageAll missions [Note] leaveyoursleepAll research options [Note] horadriccube5 million credits [Note] whysoserious5,000 gas realmendrilldeep5,000 minerals spectraltiger5,000 of each resources whorunbartertown5,000 Terrazine on custom maps using Terrazine jaynestown+1 weapon, armor, and shield upgrade iamironmanFast build catfoodforprawngunsFast heal imadoctornotaroachjimUnits do not cost resources moredotsmoredotsNo supply cap bunker55aliveinsideDisable fog of war tooktheredpillDisable ability cooldown hanshotfirstDisable tech requirements sosayweallDisable defeat conditions nevergiveupneversurrenderDisable victory conditions tyuhasleftthegameWin current game whatisbestinlifeLose current game letsjustbugoutandcallitevenAll cinematics [Note] eyeofsauronAll UNN Broadcasts [Note] stayclassymarsara

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    Play the 'Terran Up The Night' song overengineeredcodpiece

    Additionally, the following codes are only available in versions prior to v1.3.0:

    Result Cheat Code5,000 custom resources dzmhairspring5,000 minerals stroaksmolts5,000 minerals and gas smoldersboldsExtra research points wapboinkersFast build basestarsprimative or reversingnazaireFast heal fsbcomunicacionDisable fog of war sawnoutofmemoryDisable food and psi requirement mintmansoperatorDisable defeat conditions ypoonsvoicemailDisable time of day qroteroWin current game cmethodfeedbackLose current game cadeasygoinMission graph dialog selectable lyingpectUNN broadcast menu furabranchery

    Note: Only available in Campaign mode.

    -Some codes from: Randy and Mike Bowers

    Cheat Codes (Lost Viking mini-game)

    While playing the Lost Viking mini-game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, typeone of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

    Result Cheat CodeAdd indicated points to score -score [number]Extra life -addlifeTen extra lives -lifeSpawn power-up -puLevel skip -levelclearMan ends -bonusBoss appears -bossWave of enemies -behindAlternate background -mbDisplay 'Boss Incoming' message -ssDisplay the sine of three angles: 180, 90, and pi -sineView ending sequence -endHide 'Quit' button -noquit

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    'Piercing The Shroud' secret mission

    In the 'Media Blitz' mission, where you control the Odin in the city, go to the far bottom-right cornerof the map. Destroy the red civilian building on the little floating platform. There is a pathway to thebuilding from the small enemy expansion base that is just north of the player's starting position.Once the building is destroyed, 'secret documents' will be revealed. Pick the 'secret documents' upwith any ground unit, and then complete the mission as normal. The 'Piercing The Shroud' secretmission will now be accessible through the Star Map. Note: You cannot play the secret mission aftergoing to Char, as you have to go to another planet. Thus, you must go to the load menu and load agame from before Char to play the mission.

    Lost Viking mini-game

    [Left Click] the arcade machine at the Cantina on the Hyperion to play a space shooter mini-game.


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    Alternate background screens

    Successfully complete Campaign mode to change the appearance of the background screens.

    'Terran Up the Night' song

    Successfully complete Campaign mode to unlock the 'Terran Up the Night' song.

    Zerg Queen quick larval injection

    Select all queens with 'control group'. Hold [Inject Larvae], then press [Backspace] to jump betweeneach hatch and [Left Click] that hatch. This will use the closest queen to cast 'Inject Larvae', withouthaving to press [Inject Larvae] each time.

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    Dancing units

    Select one of the following unit types, press [Enter], then type '/dance' to make them dance: HighTemplars, Hydralisks, Marauders, Marines, Thors, Ultralisks, Zealots, Zerglings.

    Cheer animations

    Type '/cheer' to prompt an additional animation from the following units: High Templars, Hydralisks,Marauders, Marines, Thors, Ultralisks, Zealots, and Zerglings.

    Exploding creatures

    [Left Click] any creature multiple times to make it explode.

    Cow Chat channel

    Select the blue symbol under the title at the StarCraft 2 menus to enter a public chat channel called'cow'. Every time you speak, your message will be followed by 'moo'.

    Hidden dialogue

    [Left Click] units multiple times to hear secret dialogues.

    Marine in 'Deadmans Port' mission

    At the bottom left corner where the salvage scrapper machine is located, look slightly to the left onthe big 'man-made' cliff to find small red lights. Notice that they are attached to a small 'metal bed'with a marine laying down on it and his arms sticking up in the air.

    Marine in 'Havens Fall' mission

    In the single player campaign, search the lower left corner of the map near the refugees. You canfind a frozen Marine just before the bottom left Zerg base in the water.

    Marine in 'Piercing The Shroud' mission

    In the single player campaign while in the loading bay before the room with the Brutalisk, go outsidethrough the door. Follow the rock ledge as it leads up, and more of the map will be visible. Continueuntil you find a Murloc Marine.

    Marine in 'Welcome To The Jungle' mission

    In the single player campaign, you can find a Murloc Marine near the left edge of the map, slightlynorth of your base. He is standing on a cliff edge that is surrounded by trees.

    Marine in 'Zero Hour' mission

    In the single player campaign, search the top of the map just above the left Vespene geyser. You

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    can find a Tauren Space Marine that enters an outhouse. Repeatedly [Left Click] the outhouse, andit will shoot into space.

    Disappearing Marauder in 'Zero Hour' mission

    Attack the Zerg base to the north/northwest, and find the neutral Marauder. [Left Click] him until thetext 'Secret 3...2...1' appears, and the Marauder will disappear.

    Blizzard reference

    During the Protoss missions, watch the TV to see a music advertisement for LVL800ETC featuring alot of songs. All those songs are from a metal band called LVL80ETC, which is made up of Blizzardemployees and is dedicated to all things StarCraft and Warcraft. The lead singer is the head ofBlizzard's art department.

    Successfully complete the 'Ghost Of A Chance' mission and unlock the Ghost rifle. Go to thearmory on the Hyperion. [Left Click] the Ghost rifle to examine it. Keep looking at the screen untilNova (from Blizzard's unreleased game StarCraft: Ghost) briefly appears and disappears.

    Diablo reference

    During 'The Devil's Playground' mission, go to the bottom right corner of the map on Redstone III.You will find Diablo, from the game of the same name, surrounded by lava. He will attack your unitswhen discovered.

    World Of Warcraft references

    Once you are on the ship's cantina, look in the upper left to see a red female holograph doing thesame dance as the female night elf from

How do you cheat in StarCraft? That is a question most StarCraft gamers have asked themselves a good number of times. And, considering you’re here, you are probably just as curious to find out ways to better your gaming prowess.

Well, worry not, we’ve got some amazing StarCraft cheat codes for PC, Mac and Multiplayer, and we are more than willing to share them with you. For those who were familiar with the original codes, you would be happy to learn that they work pretty well in the remastered version. Therefore, this will be nothing more than a refresher.

How to enter StarCraft cheat codes

  • Press “enter” while playing the game.
  • A dialog box will open.
  • Enter the desired cheat code.
  • You will be notified if the cheat code works.
  • There are cheat codes that can be entered several times. However, you should know that repetitive cheat codes might toggle the cheat.

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Starcraft In Game Cheat Codes

StarCraft codes for PC and Mac

Starcraft In Game Cheat Codes Gta Vice City

  • Game over man: You lose instantly
  • Show me the money: You gain 10,000 minerals(crystal) and 10,000 vespine gas. This cheat is repeatable.
  • There is no cow level: Your current mission will be completed instantly
  • Ophelia: Enables mission select.
  • Breathe deep: You gain 500 units of vaspense gas
  • Operation Cwal: Increases construction pace
  • Food for thought: No limitations to food supply
  • Radio free zag: Reveals hidden zerg songs. However, this should be classified among StarCraft brood war cheats since you must be on the brood war expansion and should be playing as zerg.
  • Medieval man: All research abilities will be enabled.
  • Noglues: The enemies cannot use psionic storm when you activate this cheat.
  • Whats mine is mine: Gain 500 units of crystals
  • Something for nothing: You get free upgrades. Does not include ability upgrades and it can be repeated up to three times for a full upgrade.
  • Power overwhelming: It unleashes Invincible units
  • Black sheep wall: If you want to view the entire map
  • The gathering: Unit spells and abilities are unlimited
  • Staying alive: You continue playing even after winning
  • Modify the phase variance: All buildings are unlocked. You can build whatever you like.
  • War aint what it used to be: Fog of war will be disabled
  • Protoss# (Replace # with the number of the mission and add “X” before the race name if it’s in brood war expansion i.e xprotoss): Protoss level will be skipped
  • Zerg# (Replace the # with the number of the mission and enter “X” if it’s in brood war expansion i.e xzerg): Zerg level will be skipped
  • Terran# (Replace the # with the number of the mission and enter “X” before the race name if it’s in brood war expansion i.e xterran): Terran level will be skipped

Read Also: Endless Legend cheat engine


Starcraft 1 Cheat Code

There is little to no difference in how you activate the codes on your PC and Mac. Whether you’re playing the original, or destroying opponents using StarCraft remastered cheats. Enjoy the game and share some of your findings.